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I think I broke the game by repairing the breaker box too early, though I'm not sure, maybe I'm just dumb lol.

(1 edit)

We appreciate your feedback and we will take a look into that issue! Thanks for letting us know! - Cade

Hi TDG Games! We wanted to reach back out to let you know that we have fixed the breaker box from being accessible too early in the game which was causing issues. We hope you give our game another try! - Cade

When I get the time, sure!

Played it and beat it. Definitely one of favorite games out of this jam! Good job.

That means the world to us. I appreciate you giving it another shot. If you wouldn’t mind leaving a rating, it would go a long way. Thanks! -Ewan

Don't worry we left a good one!


Hi again  the game work and I tried to press E key and I was wondering why it didn't work when I saw your comment and you said it was the F key

silly me

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Lol no worries, that is our bad. We will update our game description to contain the controls so that there is no confusion. Thank you and we would love to hear your thoughts on the rest of our game! - Cade


I only played for a couple of minute your game but the game needs to fix I can't  get into the room and for some reason I can press phone and voicemail through the wall unless it is intended to be pushed through the wall

(3 edits)

Hi DevilWolf2000! Thank you for your feedback! We really appreciate your time in leaving this comment and trying our game! Could you tell us a little more about your issue with not being able to get into the room? Are you talking about the main apartment room? Another note to keep in mind is that our main interaction key is "F". - Cade